Tuesday Tip: Always target your resume and cover letter

TT - Target your resumeRecruiters receive hundreds (if not thousands) of applications for each advertised position. Being constantly bombarded with information, they simply don’t have the time to sift through all the irrelevant details until they finally figure out what a catch you are. The truth is harsh – if you don’t show the HR how well you fit the bill from the get go, your resume will end up in the trash. Spamming recruiters with generic documents is a sign of laziness and poor motivation.

To boost your chances of landing an interview (and make the Recruiter’s life much simpler), follow these four easy steps for targeting your resume and cover letter:

  1. Read the job description carefully
  2. Figure out what the employer needs
  3. Identify what you can do for their business, how you can meet (or even exceed) these needs
  4. Emphasize this information in your resume and cover letter

Yes, tailoring your job search documents to every single posting that catches your eye might be a tedious task, but it pays off handsomely.

4 thoughts on “Tuesday Tip: Always target your resume and cover letter

  1. Pingback: To Send or not to Send: The Why’s and How’s of Writing a Powerful Cover Letter | ResumeBuilds.com

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  4. Pingback: Tuesday Tip: Don’t rely on clichés | ResumeBuilds.com

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